Fresh Bread Loaves Available Every Friday, Please INquiry IN the Tasting Room
Our Small Sourdough Bakery
Inspired by OEC Brewing and the historically close connection between brewing beer and baking artisan bread our new wild yeast bakery, “Pristinum Ferum Fermento” offers eccentric sourdough bread for the bread plate available at OEC Tasting Room.
All based upon our own “pure” wild yeast and bacteria cultures. Aiming for superior flavor and aroma complexity as well as highest level of nutritional value we follow these inspiring ideas:
- We only produce the most complex sourdough breads. We add microbial complexity all the time such as adding fruit from our orchard/greenhouse to solicit local strains of wild yeast and bacteria. Our starter is something we cultivated from OEC for over 2 years.
- Everything is “hearth style” & “free form”.
- We never use water for our breads/pasta. We only use wort from OEC Brewing for wet ingredients.Only whole grains are used, very often, house sprouted whole grains are used too.
- We use complicated, historic grains such as spelt, rye, emmer, einkorn, kamut & quinoa. For example we found Farro Piccolo in Italy – the oldest cultivated grain, dating back at least 10,000 years. Finally, Farro Piccolo is the rarest of Italian ancient grains.
- Most of the time doughs with very high hydration ratios, so-called wet doughs are used.
- We ferment at relatively low fermentation temperatures (60- 64 F). The resulting slow fermentation (2- 3 days) allows for all our pure wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria to create incredibly complex flavors and aromas.To summarize we are aiming for the most complicated sourdough starter, most complicated ingredients, most complicated fermentation process, but over all, incredible tasting products.