If you would like to stay up-to-date with the Book Club’s reading list and other book club related news, email our events coordinator, Chloe at smugpigvintage@gmail.com to be added to the book club email list. Free to join book club. Or just come and hang out in the tasting room as we are open until […]
Do you like scary movies? We hope you’ll join us Thursday night as we stay up late to watch a spooky movie! FREE! We’ll be screening TBD in our main taproom (Movie starts at 8:30 pm). Come early to grab yourself some beer and food before settling in! Outside food is also always welcome. Tasting […]
If you would like to stay up-to-date with the Book Club’s reading list and other book club related news, email our events coordinator, Chloe at smugpigvintage@gmail.com to be added to the book club email list. Free to join book club. Or just come and hang out in the tasting room as we are open until […]