Ordinem Ecentrici Coctores = Order of the Eccentric Boilers
Yes, we know. Ben Neidhart did that on purpose as the name is not grammatically correct Latin. Rather the name & symbols of the brewery are a spoof on the secret societies of yesteryear.
In old brewing literature fermentation was often called boiling as the vigorous bubbling drew comparisons to the boiling of liquids. As advanced as brewing science has become, sometimes we are still just as clueless when it comes to the science behind the actual creation of complex flavors and aromas.
Sometimes a little mysticism just goes a long way and after all, we would not dare to take ourselves too seriously!
Opened in June 2014, Ben wanted to create an unusual brewery stemming from neither here nor there. We take influence from the great lost brewing traditions of the areas going from Northern Germany across to Belgium combining them with modern brewing techniques.
Our brewery is not the creation of a sole individual rather an Order of individuals. Ideals, techniques and ingredients come from places as near as the orchard to more than 1,900 leagues aways.
The goal of all being to create ales & concoctions of fantastic aromas & flavors.
For all of the ales are living, none are to be filtered or pasteurized. All shall undergo long maturation times while many others will spend time resting on wood.
It is a story originating before the Reinheitsgebot of 1516, before industrial brewing when ale was meant to lift & enhance the human spirit from the drudgery of hard work.
If this is a story of interest, come seek us out.
Ben Neidhart
Owner/founder/head-brewer/head-blender/recipe creator/label designer and anything else that is needed to keep OEC running, which of course includes a lot of crisis management as we all know nothing ever runs smoothly. Want to find Ben? Well so does the rest of his team. Ben is usually the one who is zipping around – never stationary for long.
Tony Pellino
Tasting Room Manager/ Social Media/ Sales Manager/ OEC tour operator. You can find Tony and all his knowledge either in the tasting room or in the field visiting accounts.
Mark Leone
Brewer! Enough said as they brew the wonderful OEC beers you get to drink.
Joe Duhamel
Brewer! Enough said as they brew the wonderful OEC beers you get to drink.
Jeremy Kowcheris
Packaging Chief. Making sure all the machines work correctly so all the wonderful OEC liquid can be filled into cans and kegs and bottles.
Chloe Girouard-Martel
You can find Chloe working in the taproom nearly every Saturday and Sunday. She is in charge of booking private events and runs the OEC Flea Markets and the monthly OEC Book club.
Jie Yu
Wife of owner/founder Ben Neidhart. Manages all things tasting room related so that we can open for you. Deals with all OEC finances and paperwork so OEC can run smoothly behind the scenes, so the rest of the team can brew & blend the crazy beers for you.
Fred “Mini Australian Shephard”
Our mini Australian Shepard provides comical relief for the whole crew. Stealer of coffee cups or anything plastic (pens especially). Loves to beg for food with the cutest sit and chase frisbees. If you stop by during the weekdays, Fred is the first one to greet you. Don’t be intimidated by his bark as he is very friendly. Fred’s day off is Friday afternoon and Saturday and Sunday where he is at home getting his beauty sleep.